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Ms. Looney's Biography Project: Citing Your Sources Using Easybib

Students will create a biography presentation about a musician using Google Slides.

What is a Citation?

  • A citation is a way of giving credit to a source you used for an assignment. 
  • There are specific ways to cite the sources we use, depending on the subject you're researching or the requirements of the teacher. For this project we are learning how to cite in MLA 8 format. 

Citing a Website

  1. Log in to and click the assignment/project you're working on. Click on "Bibliography"
  2. Open up a new tab and go to the website you are citing
  3. Select and copy (ctrl + c) the URL at the top of your browser
  4. Go back to
  5. Verify the format is set to MLA 8 (orange). Make sure the setting is on the "Website" tab.
  6. Paste (ctrl + v) the url in the white search bar and click "Cite It"
  7. Easybib will try and locate the website. When it does, click "Cite This"
  8. Easybib will locate as much information as it can about the website. Fill in the information is doesn't find. ***Remember, if you can't find a piece of information don't include it.
  9. Click "Create Citation"
  10. View your citation. You will export the Works Cited page to Google Docs when all of your citations are complete.

The Core Elements of a MLA 8 Citation

  1. Author.
  2. Title of source.
  3. Title of container,
  4. Other contributors,
  5. Version, 
  6. Number, 
  7. Publisher, 
  8. Publication Date, 
  9. Location.

Citing a Database

Unlike a website, you're not able to trace back a database article from a URL. Instead, database articles provide you with the citation. Follow the directions under the database icon to locate and properly cite your sources:

  1. Open the Encyclopedia Britannica article you are citing
  2. Click on the square with the checkmark at the top of the page
  3. Select MLA from the drop down menu
  4. Select and copy (ctrl + C) the entire citation
  5. Sign in to > click on "Bibliography" under the assignment/project you're working on
  6. Verify the style is set to MLA 8 (orange). Click on the "Database" tab (grey)
  7. Underneath the search bar, click on "Copy + Paste"
  8. Paste your citation in the white box
  9. Click "Create Citation"
  10. View your citation. You will export the Works Cited page to Google Docs when all of your citations are complete.

  1. Log in to
  2. Open the article you are citing in Biography in Context
  3. Under "Tools", click on "Citation Tools" 
  4. Choose MLA 8th Edition from the drop down menu
  5. Under "Export To:" select Easybib from the drop down menu
  6. Open the Easybib tab on your browser
  7. View your citation. You will export the Works Cited page to Google Docs when all of your citations are complete.


Cite a Print Book

  1. Log in to
  2. Click the assignment/project you're working on. Click on "Bibliography"
  3. Verify that the format is set to MLA 8 (orange)
  4. Click on the "Book" tab (grey)
  5. Search for your book by Title, Author, ISBN, or keywords
  6. Select the search result that matches the copyright date on the Title Verso page of your book. If your search came back empty, you will fill in all of the information yourself
  7. Click on "Continue to the final step!"
  8. Fill in the information that is missing from your the citation, such as the publisher. When all of the information is included click on "Create Citation"
  9. View your citation. You will export the Works Cited page to Google Docs when all of your citations are complete.

Export Citations from Easybib

Follow these directions to export your citations to your Google Drive:

  1. Sign in to your Easybib account
  2. Select the project you are working on and click "Bibliography"
  3. Check off the citations you want to save to your Works Cited page
  4. Click on the orange button that says "Export" > "Save to Google Docs"
  5. Scroll to the top of the page and click on "Go to Google Docs"
  6. View your completed Works Cited page. Copy your Works Cited page in its entirety. Paste it to the last page/slide of your assignment or project